The Saga Continues...
Mr. Kattel argues in today's Eesti Päevaleht that new economic thought is needed in Estonia and i also think on a wider scale. A bit accusatory is the whole article, isn't it?
I kind of agree that the whole notion of the industrial policy will probably be redefined, making the growth sectors even more protected by governments that they are at the moment. But what is the talk about the Estonian workforce regulation? It is a fact that we are one of the worst/rigid in this aspect according to the word bank (The Economist used the same indicator set this week when describing the Indian economy) and other evaluators. And, hey, what about looking at the real figures - i think in the period from 2007 to 2013 the investments into training and lifelong learning will threefold in Estonia.
I understand that Mr. Kattel wants a more in depth discussion on the new measures and approaches that Estonia should take up - he feels the discussion to be too hollow today. I have two recommendations - please propose things what we should do, where we should be looking to. Secondly, maybe this is the level were we can operate? Maybe, this is how much we understand world economics?
I kind of agree that the whole notion of the industrial policy will probably be redefined, making the growth sectors even more protected by governments that they are at the moment. But what is the talk about the Estonian workforce regulation? It is a fact that we are one of the worst/rigid in this aspect according to the word bank (The Economist used the same indicator set this week when describing the Indian economy) and other evaluators. And, hey, what about looking at the real figures - i think in the period from 2007 to 2013 the investments into training and lifelong learning will threefold in Estonia.
I understand that Mr. Kattel wants a more in depth discussion on the new measures and approaches that Estonia should take up - he feels the discussion to be too hollow today. I have two recommendations - please propose things what we should do, where we should be looking to. Secondly, maybe this is the level were we can operate? Maybe, this is how much we understand world economics?
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